Training Affiliation Agreement Overview

Office of Sponsored Research Business Contracts (BC) Team

  • Oversees and maintains the Training Affiliation Agreement (TAA) database in Salesforce (CACTAS software).
  • Receives TAA requests via Salesforce
  • Drafts and negotiates TAAs
  • Routes final drafts for execution, and ensures record is completed for each agreement

What Does a Training Affiliation Agreement Look Like?

Students, Graduate Students, Residents, and Fellows (All Trainees) in the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Dentistry. No Compensation in Agreements

Incoming Agreements: Trainees from other institutions who receive research or clinical experience at UCSF as part of their accredited program.

Outgoing Agreements: UCSF trainees receive research or clinical experience at an outside institution as part of their accredited program.

Accredited training rotations can sometimes involve research. BC typically handles these types of research training agreements and UCSF’s research training template is preferred.

TAA Workflow

Training Affiliation Process

Unit Requestor indentifies the need for a new agreement and submits request in TAA/Affiliation Database

Approval Process

Approver reviews request to make sure fields are filled in correctly and we don't have an existing agreement.

GBC/SOM Manager

TAA required: BC negotiates terms to comply with UC policy
SOM Only: Preceptor, LOA or AAMC agreements managed internally

Signature Process

BC returns agreement to School Approver for signature
Requestor to negotiate programmatic redlines

TAA = Training Affiliation Agreement
BC = the Business Contracts Team in the Office of Sponsored Research
SOM = School of Medicine
LOA = Letter of Agreement
AAMC = the Association of American Medical Colleges

Trainee Affiliation Agreement – Detailed Description

Outgoing/Incoming for accredited rotations or research, either domestic or international:  students, residents1, and fellows1:

  1. The trainee contacts the individual in their School or the Graduate Division who is in charge of TAA requests. This TAA Requestor (with own log-in) submits a TAA request through Salesforce in the TAA platform:
    Instructional Video on submitting a TAA Request
    OSR Business Contracts Unit Agreement Types
  2. The TAA request is turned into a Services Agreement record
  3. The Business Contracts unit reviews and negotiates a TAA agreement based on the request2
  4. Once a draft is finalized, Business Contracts will route for signatures.
  5. The TAA record will include all important correspondences, approvals, and the fully executed agreement

1Residents and fellows in the School of Medicine also need other accompanying documents: the TAA/LOA and the PLA. See this link for details on requesting GME TAAs.
2The Schools and GME can finalize their own international LOA/TAAs if the UCSF template has no changes. If there are changes in the template, Business Contracts is also involved.